Recommended Resources

Books and Articles

Abucar, Mohamed H. “Italians.” People of the Maritimes. Four East, 1991.

Acharya, Madhaui and Tom Yew. “Martin Makes Amends for ‘dark chapter in our
History'.” Toronto Star, November 13, 2005: pA02.

Boyd, Monica and Michael Vickers, “100 years of Immigration in Canada”, as in
Canadian Social Trends, Statistics Canada: Catalogue No. 11-008,
Autumn 2000. 

Di Cocco, Caroline, et al. One by One: History of the Italian Community in
Sarnia – Lambton, 1870 – 1990
. Sarnia: Italo – Canadian Cultural Club
Of Sarnia, 1991.

Fanella, Antonella. With Heart and Soul; Calgary’s Italian Community.
University Of Calgary Press, 1999.

Gabaccia, Donna R. and Franca Iacovetta. Women, Gender, and Transnational
Lives: Italian Workers of the World
. Toronto: University of Toronto Press,

Graham, Dominick. Tug of War: The Battle for Italy, 1943 – 1945.

Harney, Nicholas De Maria. Eh, Paesan!: Being Italian in Toronto. Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 1998.

Iacovetta, Franca. “Ordering in Bulk: Canada’s Post War Immigration Policy and
The Recruitment of Contract Workers from Italy.” Journal of
American Ethnic History 11, no. 1 (Fall 1991): 50.

Iacovetta Franca, Roberto Perin, and Angelo Principe. Enemies within: Italian
And other Internees in Canada and abroad. Toronto: University of Toronto
Press, 2000.

Jansen, Clifford J. Italians in a Multicultural Canada. Lewiston: E. Mellon Press,

Kennedy Paul, and Victor Roudometof. Communities Across Boarders: New
Immigrants and Transnational Cultures. New York: Routledge, 2002.

Knowles, Valerie. Forging our Legacy: Canadian Citizenship and Immigration
1900 – 1977. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1997.

Knowles, Valerie. Strangers at our Gates: Canadian Citizenship and Immigration
Policy, 1540 – 1997. Ottawa: Citizenship and Immigration, 2000.

Magocsi, Paul Robert, ed. Encyclopedia of Canada’s Peoples. Toronto:
University of Toronto Press,1999.

Mastrangelo, Rocco. The Italian Canadians. Scarborough: Van Norstrand
Reinhold, 1979.

Migliore, Sam and Evo A. Pierro, Italian Lives, Cape Breton Memories.
UCCB Press, 1999.

Murray, Maureen. “Italian Canadian voters ‘breaking old patterns’ as Memory
Fades, Support Shifts away from Liberals.”, Toronto Star. Toronto:
June 5, 1995: pA15.

Perin, Roberto and Franc Sturino, ed. Arrangiarsi: Italian Immigration Experience
In Canada. Montreal: Guerinca, 1988.

Polestio, John and Antino Pucci, The Italian Immigration Experience.
Thunder Bay: Canadian Historical Association, 1988.

Ramirez, Bruno. The Italians in Canada. Ottawa: Candian Historical Association,

Reid, Nora. Some Memories of the Italian Community in Thorold. Thorold:
Heritage Thorold, 2005.

Rossi, Gaetano “A Golden Anniversary.” Maclean’s. Toronto: 10
December 2001.

Stanislao, Carbone and Philip Bravo, “Italians in Winnipeg: An Illustrated
History.” Canadian Journal of Urban Research. 9, no. 2: 222.

Sturino, Franc. “Contours of Post War Italian Immigration to Toronto”, as in
Polyphony Summer. Multicultural Historic Society of Ontario: 1984.
p. 127-130.

Wallace, Robert. The Italian Campaign. Alexandria: Life Time Books, 1979.

Wiskemann, Elizabeth. Italy since 1945. London: MacMillian, 1971.

Zucchi, John E. Italians in Toronto: Development of a National Identity, 1875
1935. Kingston: McGill – Queen’s University Press, 1988.

Government Documents

Boyd, Monica and Michael Vickers, “100 years of Immigration in Canada”, as in
Canadian Social Trends, Statistics Canada: Catalogue No. 11-008,
Autumn 2000.

Profiles, Italy: Italian Immigrants in Canada. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 1996.


Alberta Source,

Canadian War Brides,

Citizenship and Immigration Canada,

Embassy of Italy in Ottawa,

Info Roma Traveler's Italy,

Life In Italy,

National Geographic World Music: Italy,

New Advent, Catholic Encyclopedia,
